3. International Surfing Competition
Organizer Category
Description |
: 1 - 30 July 2004
: Sorake Beach, Nias
: Department of Tourism
: Arts Gathering
: An international surfing competition is usually participated by national and international surfers. Other parts of the event include traditional sports, music and cultural performances. |
4. Mejuah-juah Festival
Organizer Category |
: 1- 31 July 2004
: Brastagi
: The event is highlighted with flowers and fruit exhibitions. Karo traditional dance and other attractions with the objectives to preserve and promote the local traditional performances. |
5. Spirit of Bukit Lawang 2004 SOBA 2004
Contact Category |
: July 24th, 2004
: Old bus terminal Bukit Lawang
: [email protected]
: 20 bands from Bukit Lawang to Medan, charity concert and handicraft exhibition. |
Five Uruguayan surfers hoping to catch some waves off Indonesia's Indian Ocean Mentawai islands got more than ...more>> |
The Choice Hotels ...!! |
Exchange Rate for IDR |
Events Calendar |